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Home ›XLV International Summer School-Conference “Advanced Problems in Mechanics - 2017” (АРМ – 2017), St. Petersburg, Russia
The International Summer School-Conference “Advanced Problems in Mechanics — 2017” (APM’2017) is the forty fifth in a series of annual summer schools organized by Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS), Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), St. Petersburg scientific center Russian Academy of Sciences (SPbSC RAS) under the patronage of Russian Academy of Sciences. APM-2017 will take place from 22 to 27 June 2017 in the period of famous white nights in St. Petersburg. The first day of the conference will be held in St. Petersburg scientific center RAS (5 Universitetskaya Nab.). The other part of the conference will be held in SPbPU. The main purpose of the meeting is to gather specialists from different branches of mechanics to provide a platform for cross-fertilization of ideas.
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